
Fundusze private equity – wpływ na wartość spółki wyceny

Private Equity Funds. Value Creation

Private equity funds (PE funds) have become a very important source of innovative solutions at enterprises and a source of wealth in developed economies, notably in the US, the UK…
Wycena biznesu w praktyce. Metody i przykłady wycen przedsiębiorstw

Business Valuation in Practice: Methods, Examples

This is a highly-practical compilation of case studies illustrating essential knowledge, methods and procedures related to whole-enterprise valuation as well as appraisal of discrete parts and individual assets. The authors…
książka Finansowanie rozwoju przedsiębiorstw. Studia przypadków.

Company Development Financing: Case Studies

At various stages in their development, companies typically raise capital from two distinct sources: equity and debt. This book examines traditional sources of financing like investment loans, issuance of new…
Wycena przedsiębiorstw. Od teorii do praktyki książka z finansów

Enterprise Valuation: from Theory to Practice

Business valuation is invariably linked with the focus on value maximization. The goal of every company is to increase its equity, which requires the development and implementation of a long-term…
książka o wycenie przedsiębiorstw Od teorii do praktyki.

Business Valuation. A Basic Approach

This book includes the twelve chapters taken from the Polish edition titled “Wycena przedsiębiorstwa. Od teorii do praktyki”. Business valuation is invariably linked with the focus on value maximization. The…
Wyceny przedsiębiorstw Business Valuation (商值——商业价值评估的理论与方法 )

Business Valuation (in Chinese)

This book includes twelve chapters taken from the English edition titled “Business Valuation. A Basic Approach”. Additional chapter no 13 was written by Herbert Wirth, the previous CEO of KGHM…
książka dylematy wyceny przedsiębiorstwa

Dilemmas in Enterprise Valuation

The authors discuss the following topics: Macroeconomic factors influencing valuation – the cyclical nature of economic development worldwide and particularly in Poland; Crude oil price impacts on the valuation of…
książka Project Finance with Excel. A Basic Approach

Project Finance with Excel. A Basic Approach

During the past four decades, the project finance (PF) has emerged as an important method of financing large-scale, long-term, high-risk domestic and international industrial ventures, based upon the projected cash…