The book Enterprise Valuation Methods Clients and Investor’s Perspective presents a comprehensive approach to business valuation, including detailed descriptions of a wide range of valuation methods and practical techniques. The authors present this topic from various points of view, detailing the three distinct perspectives of clients, investors and the capital market.
Part I addresses the client’s context: customer capital, customer value and the impact of client relationships on a company’s valuation and return on investment. In addition, the authors examine issues related to intellectual capital, valuation of intangible assets, including brand valuation.
Part II sets forth a theoretical and practical approach to the valuation of companies, from the perspective of investors and shareholders. The authors explain discounted cash flow and enterprise value added, discounted dividend, and real option methods as well as the multiples approach. Investment project appraisals and private equity valuation approaches both receive thorough examinations as do default risks and the vital importance of credit-ratings.
Part III brings capital market perspectives into focus and reveals the growing market impact of individual shareholders and an increasing reliance on new technologies in building and developing investor relations.